DeputyDog APT:攻击行动评估 - By nEINEI Time:2013-09-21 1) DeputyDog(也被称作APT17)更可能的是Hidden Lynx组织的策划的一次攻击行动。 2) 是针对日本的一次定向攻击活动。 Symptoms FireEye detected the payload used in these attacks on August 23, 2013 in Japan. The payload was hosted on a server in Hong Kong ( and was named “img20130823.jpg”. Although it had a .jpg file extension, it was not an image file. The file, when XORed with 0x95, was an executable (MD5: 8aba4b5184072f2a50cbc5ecfe326701). Upon execution, 8aba4b5184072f2a50cbc5ecfe326701 writes “28542CC0.dll” (MD5: 46fd936bada07819f61ec3790cb08e19) to this location: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\28542CC0.dll In order to maintain persistence, the original malware adds this registry key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\28542CC0 The registry key has this value: rundll32.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\28542CC0.dll",Launch The malware (8aba4b5184072f2a50cbc5ecfe326701) then connects to a host in South Korea ( This callback traffic is HTTP over port 443 (which is typically used for HTTPS encrypted traffic; however, the traffic is not HTTPS nor SSL encrypted). Instead, this clear-text callback traffic resembles this pattern: POST /info.asp HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Agtid: [8 chars]08x User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32) Host: Content-Length: 1045 Connection: Keep-Alive Cache-Control: no-cache [8 chars]08x&[Base64 Content] The unique HTTP header “Agtid:” contains 8 characters followed by “08x”. The same pattern can be seen in the POST content as well. 相关样本信息: 6fe1634dce1d095d6b8a06757b5b6041 8aba4b5184072f2a50cbc5ecfe326701 46fd936bada07819f61ec3790cb08e19 最小闭合的攻击样本: 漏洞文件:原始文件已经缺失,针对IE浏览器的漏洞利用。预估100k dropper: 4cca64709c3ab88dc4a68a419f5c5773588c67826b88fa6edf961f7b52a2622b ,size = 26112 攻击能力计算: K = 2 (正常安全认知范围) a = 3 (无交互) s = 2 (鱼叉式网络钓鱼 或者水坑攻击或SQL注入,这里评估给2) m = 5 (代码注入,特种木马,武器集合,范围极广的间谍功能,特定目标感染 ) p = 1 (攻击1种平台) x = 5 ( 0day 漏洞 cve-2013-3893); 攻击能力 = (a+s+m+p)^(k) * (1+x)^ 2 + c AT = (3 + 2 + 5 + 1) ^ 2 * (1+5) ^ 2 + (26112)/1024 + 100 = 11^2 * (6^2)+ 126 = 4356+ 126 = 4482 ==> 4482*1000/1279625(1T攻击力单位) = 3.502T 参考引用: 1. 2.《论高级威胁的本质及攻击能力的量化研究》-