//--等待了好久的DarK-CodeZ Mag #4 发布了,虽然刺激我们脑细胞的“坏主意”不多,但这仍然是现阶段最好的vx礼物 下载地址: http://www.vxjump.net/files/a_page/4/code1.htm or http://www.vxjump.net/downfile/dcm4.zip let‘s go Welcome to DarK-CodeZ #4! It has been a long time since our latest release. As you see there's one major change we did. We decided to switch to the english language as some of you requested. I can fully understand your desire as the scene is international and we should share informations with every human being. With english we reach far more people than we could with german. So please enjoy! EDITORIAL Some words from Perforin Some words from R3s1stanc3 INTERVIEWS Interview with alcopaul CODE UNIX32.xrage.ASM.Perforin-vxnetw0rk UNIX.beany.C.Perforin-vxnetw0rk UNIX.printerShreck.C.Perforin-vxnetw0rk XOS.TeVil.Perl.Perforin-vxnetw0rk WIN32.RainmeterDE.ASM.ring-vxnetw0rk UNIX64.xrage.ASM.R3s1stanc3-vxnetw0rk XOS.Suicide.Java.R3s1stanc3-vxnetw0rk UNIX.loader.ASM.R3s1stanc3-vxnetw0rk TOOLS XOS.fishy.Perl.Perforin-vxnetw0rk WIN.PyRTInfect.Python.Zer0Flag-vxnetw0rk XOS.Perl-Virus-Generator.R3s1stanc3-vxnetw0rk XOS.Advanced-Crawler.Perl.Knowlegend-vxnetw0rk SNIPPETS File encrypter in Perl Infection routine for perl files Perl Polymorphism enginge Qt-C++ Drives-Infection TEXTS Virus Name Identification Porting Anti Techniques to Linux