2018-04-06 CanSecWest2018 - 《Shellcodes are for the 99%》 by Sun Bing & nEINEI
2017-12-15 FIT2017 - GDI魔术:漏洞利用中的利器 by nEINEI
2017-10-09 TSec2017 - 对安全边界的重炮打击:从内核提权到应用层逻辑漏洞谈起 by nEINEI
2017-09-28 Blackhat 2017 - The Power Of Data-Oriented Attacks: Bypassing Memory Mitigation Using Data-only Exploitation Techniques by Sun Bing & nEINEI
2016-09-03 XCon2016 - Advanced Exploitation Techniques:Breaking AV-Emulator by nEINEI
2015-08-29 XCon2015 - 应用层持久化攻击技术 by nEINEI
2014-20-25 XCon2014 - 防御高级内存利用攻击:检测ROP及内存信息泄漏 by nEINEI
2014-03-21 CanSecWest2014 - Combating the Advanced Memory Exploitation Techniques: Detecting ROP with Memory Information Leak by nEINEI
2013-08-14 XCon2013 - Using Boot Emulator -- Bootkit detection Technology by nEINEI
2012-11-13 AVAR2012 - Bootkit's development overview and trend by nEINEI
2010-08-04 XCon2010 - 对抗AV检测--病毒遗传感染技术探索 by nEINEI 2007-08-28 PoC2007 - BIOS Boot Hijacking and VMware Vulnerabilities Digging by Sun Bing
2007-08-28 XCon2007 - AV引擎之虚拟机脱壳技术 by Linxer
2006-08-28 EUSecWest2007 - Software Virtualization Based Rootkits by Sun Bing